How Can Online Mahjong Help Us Understand the News?

[ad_1] CNN is not the first place one thinks of when seeking out a popular browser-based game, yet a new cluster of game links have invaded the index page of CNN has joined the ranks of many popular mainstream web sites and is now offering free, time-consuming, mind-absorbing, browser-based games. CNN has dedicated a … Read more

Beating Bad News Blues

[ad_1] Damn those down days. Days when nothing seems to go right, nobody seems to care and tomorrow looks to be more of the same. Your mind gets scattered, your outlook gets dark and your body gets heavy. Know what I’m talking about? I’ve been there. I’ve had days that I didn’t want to go … Read more

News for Investors: Downtown Los Angeles Is Changing

[ad_1] Architects, designers, builders, the mayor of Los Angeles and its fans have long known this fact: Downtown Los Angeles has finally reached its popularity spin. Buyers are coming to the same conclusion: Downtown LA is the most undervalued major city on planet Earth. Well, actually downtown LA has been doing wondrously since 1995 during … Read more

World Trade News Summary

[ad_1] During this week several significant events transpired particularly in the industrial world. These changes have influenced directly or indirectly not only the growing global trade, but likewise the developing economy of countries worldwide. On one hand, some events have positively contributed to the various sectors of international or local economy and they serve as … Read more

The Mobile News App

[ad_1] Sharing of news, exciting or mundane, is one of our most favorite activities. On a daily basis, we share a number of updates on our social networks. Gathering information from various sources, following latest trends- these are what interest us the most. But this does have a fair share of hassles and involves considerable … Read more

The Growth in People Powered 24 News and Breaking News Internet Websites

[ad_1] There have been similar websites / concepts but these were based on earlier technologies, typically the mobile phone using MMS, they could never provide the comprehensive service now offered by the newer technology Internet news sites. Mobile Phone Technology Whilst mobile phones were successful for sending news and pictures, for example the Tsunami in … Read more

Can AI Combat Fake News?

[ad_1] The phenomena of “fake news” may have captured the imagination of Americans during the 2016 Presidential Campaign and the later investigation of Russia’s attempts to swing the election to Donald Trump using fake news on Facebook among other schemes. The truth is that fake or phoney news has been around as a tool for … Read more

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